Simple Ideas For Carpet Stain Removal

The stain present on your shining and new carpet can make them look unpleasant as well as unattractive. Stubborn stains on the carpets can grow from many sources and accidents. These carpets need to be maintained properly for effective working and long-lasting life. There are various benefits of cleaning stains from the fibres of the carpet. Here we are providing tips for removing the stains from the carpet. 

3 Steps For Treatment for Carpet Stains Easily

  1. Act Quickly

One must act as soon as possible to treat the stain. As it will be more difficult to remove it the longer it is allowed to set. Therefore the application of a pre-stain removal solution is highly recommended when your carpet gets stained to ease the procedure of stain removal.

  1. Blot Thoroughly

You should use a white cloth and blot the possible amount of stain starting from the outside. Do not rub or else you might result in spreading stains. You should not skimp this step as it is advised by a professional carpet stain removal services provider. The more time stain you will soak, the less you would have to remove. 

  1. Make sure the fabric is colour safe

Before you use any of the cleaning suggestions, you should make sure that the method is colour safe and easily washable. All the dry-clean-only items should be blotted. You must take care that the cleaning agent is non-toxic and safe to use. Otherwise, it may result in the colour fading of your carpet.

How Can Baking Soda Help In Carpet Stain Removal? 

This is the major key to removing stains from carpet

  • Using paper towels or cloth you should soak most of the stain and when you are done dabbing, you should keep it going for another two minutes. Hence, the more amount of liquid soaked, the less stain you would have needed to remove. 
  • When a stain appears, dab it with a clean towel dipped in a tiny quantity of cold water till not any more water leaks out.
  • You should apply a paste of one part of baking soda and three parts of water to the stained area as well as allow it to be dried. Once you have dried the carpet and vacuum up all the paste. In case, if the stain is still present, you should turn to a professional for help in removing the stain. 

Note: Easiest, as well as the quickest way possible to soak an excess amount of liquid, is to use a quality sponge. It would also absorb the liquid faster than cloth or a towel would do it.


This blogs helps you to clean your carpet stains. The above mentioned carpet cleaning advice will be beneficial. There are some tips to remove pet urine stains and odors: follow these carpet cleaning ideas

