How Do You Get The Smell Out Of A Memory Foam Mattress?

Nobody would like to rest on their mattress if there is an unpleasant odour coming out of it. After all the stress and heavy work, people would love to rest on their mattresses. So, it is vital to keep your memory foam mattress away from bad odours and stains. Sometimes, people would clean their mattresses regularly, in spite of the fact that there would be a bad odour coming out of it. At that time, all you will have to do is follow small tips and tricks. So here are a few of them for you to follow,

Adopt These Methods For An Odour-Free Memory Foam Mattress

As we understand the need for people searching about, “How do you get the smell out of a memory foam mattress?”, we found the best answers to it. Here are the 3 easiest ways of making your memory foam mattress an odour-free bedding for a peaceful sleep.


  • When you find a terrible odour coming out of the mattress because of the stains, then you can make use of borax powder.
  • You will have to take a bowl and pour lukewarm water into it. Post that you will have to mix the borax powder in the water.
  • Pour the solution inside a spray bottle and then spray it wherever required. The borax powder works very effectively to remove all the bad odour and stains from the Mattress Stain remover.
  • The borax powder can be found easily in the laundry shop, you can apply the solution in a minimal quantity and then start blotting it or gently rubbing it in a circular motion.
  • This technique will help you in a significant manner to get rid of all those stains and odours. Make sure you use a clean cloth to remove all the stains and odours.

Hydrogen Peroxide

  • When the stain is also intense and there is a strong odour coming out of it, then you can make use of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will work effectively to remove the stains and also the odour. Hydrogen peroxide is proven to be a handy cleaning product.
  • You can mix hydrogen peroxide in warm water and then start rubbing the solution on the stains. By following this procedure you can remove the stains and odour easily and quickly.
  • So, hydrogen peroxide is one of the best mattress cleaners that you can use.

Baking Soda

  • Baking soda is another strong cleaning product with the help of which you can get rid of mould from your mattress.
  • You can just mix the baking soda powder in warm water and then start using it on the stains.
  • Try using baking soda as such in the powder form also without mixing it in water. If there are stains, you can use baking soda solution.
  • You can also make use of baking soda powder as such without mixing it in water. Just spray the powder on the mattress, it would help your mattress to get rid of the putrid odour.


Smells from mattresses are a kind of torment to mattress owners that they cannot bear to stay in the same room as their mattress. In fact, the smell of the mattress may be because of memory foam or for some other reasons. But you have a permanent solution to this and that is contacting experts to avail professional mattress cleaning services. With the highest professionalism and standards as their grounds, experts treat your mattress with care. In case of meeting clients’ emergencies, experts come up with same-day and emergency mattress cleaning services. Thus, do not hesitate to get in touch with professional mattress cleaners!

