Just as any home appliances work great after a professional gives them an annual tune-up, your Air Conditioner (AC) will also feel great after similar cleaning and testing. When your AC cooling system acts strange, you’ll know it immediately. It makes a kind of “hiccup” sound. So, because of this you often lose large amounts of money and often do multiple expensive repairs. Signs like blowing warm air, weak airflow, bad odours, etc will disturb you a lot for long periods if there are no proper tune-up services for AC.
Sometimes the air conditioner changes temperature automatically. This way you have to set the temperature again and again. Also, because of any moisture, you may smell a bad odour, and this is because of mould, which is harmful to your health. While the air conditioner needs regular repair and services, it is also essential to know when to purchase a new one. So, firstly you need to know what all the signs are before planning to buy a new air conditioner.

Most Common Signs Of Impending Air Conditioner Problems
Suspicious Power Bills
Electronic appliances make your life easier. But any appliance will have its limited lifespan. The life of an AC is between 10 to 15 years. However, if your AC is older than 10 years, it is better to replace it with a new one. This is because your AC is unable to function properly without more power consumption. So, it’s better to replace your AC with a new one as soon as possible. This way, you can save more money too.
Too Much Noise
As you know no air conditioner will work with exceptional silence. But that doesn’t mean it is okay to make loud and jarring sounds either. A good sign that the internal parts are worn out is, that the air conditioner makes a crackling or rattling noise. Therefore, switching to a new model will help you to enjoy better cooling and noise-free operation.
Constant Repairs
Though repair services are something you should opt for at regular intervals, it doesn’t mean the air conditioner can exceed the expenses. And now is the correct time to evaluate purchasing a new air conditioner. Furthermore, you’ll find that the former one’s regular repair expenses are far more than the new model’s price. In all likelihood, it’s better to save the repair money and go for a new air conditioner.
Unusual Odours
Any properly functioning air conditioner doesn’t produce bad or weird odours. But, in case you notice any type of odours coming from your air conditioner, then there may be problems with internal parts. The typical air conditioner with problems smells often like a musty or mildew-like odour. Moreover, this is mainly due to the air conditioners’ evaporator coil. Another smell you might encounter may be a burning smell. This is essentially because of the overheating of the system.
No Effective Cooling In The Room
First of all, air conditioners’ primary function is to cool effectively. But if it doesn’t spread cool air properly, you need to check if the filters are clean or not. If the filters are clean, but it’s still not spreading cool air adequately, then the air conditioner is just consuming electricity. Additionally, this also doesn’t benefit you in any way. Hence, replace such air conditioners immediately with a new one which offers consistent and efficient cooling air.
If Air Conditioner Is More Than 10 Years Old
The lifespan of any branded air conditioner is between 10 and 15 years. So, it is a safe and better option to replace it with a new air conditioner after 10 years. This is safe because as your AC ages, it will consume a maximum amount of electricity without adequate cooling. Therefore, it is better to replace such an air conditioner with a new one which ensures your cooling and savings in the long run.
If you see the above signs, it’s high time you buy a new air conditioner. You may require AC installation experts to prepare your space and install the system in the best way.