6 Easy Spring-cleaning Tips To Keep Your Home Termite-free

A clean house is always pests-free but this statement is a myth that every house owner has a misconception of. Not every clean house is termite-free and it is proven in many cases because termites are those pests that eat wood on the inside. Over some time every wood item is affected by a termite attack. It not only causes monetary loss but a lot of mess. So, some measures are separate from cleaning to be taken in order to ensure that the house is termite-free. Those are nothing but spring-cleaning tips to keep your home termite-free and we are here to explain them to you. 

Make Your Home Termite-Free With These Spring-Cleaning Tips 

Prior to spraying for termites, there are a few helpful cleaning tips you can follow to make your home termite-free. Some of the best-working tips to keep your home termite-free are given below.

  • Do Regular Check, If Wood Is Stored

Wood piles are the favourite resting and nesting place for termites, be it flooring, walls or windows. If wood is left untouched for a long period, it is surely going to become a victim of termite attack. So, never store wood for a long period until it is regularly checked for the possibility of preventing breeding termites. In fact, it is expensive to store wood belongings and this becomes worthless once termite attacks them. Therefore, do a regular check of your place that has stored wooden items, probably on a weekly basis. 

  • Do Not Let Litter Build Up

If there are several cardboards and paper that are thrown away and build up into litter, you have to clear this away. In fact, when this litter is built up, it becomes one of the poorly trafficked places on your property and this is what attracts termites. So, the cleaning tip we give to counteract this termite problem is to clear away this litter that is building up. By doing this, you can also prevent soils from building up which in turn gives no chance to termites from entering your home. 

  • Keeping The Wood Moisture-Free

Moisture is a favourable environment for termites to breed. One should ensure that the indoors which has maximum wooden furniture, flooring, cupboards, doors, etc are moisture-free. If it remains in a dry environment, no termites will breed or maximise. It is just not a one-time thing, one needs to ensure temperature control is working in various seasons such as rainy. The rainy season has a lot of moisture and at that time, wood is affected the most. One needs to ensure that moisture is under control to protect the wooden items of the house. 

  • Ensure Trimming of Trees and Bushes

Bushes and trees that are near-by the house can be the starting point for termites to nest and later migrate over to your house. It is important to have trees near your house for proper oxygen supply, so trimming is the best solution as it will serve its purpose and the house can be kept termite-free.  

  • Make Your Home Ventilated 

Speaking about spring-cleaning tips to keep your home termite-free, you can even consider ventilating your home. Because the more moisture there is in your property, the easier it becomes for termites to seek comfort from your place. In fact, ventilation should be proper even underneath your home if it is located on a stump. Also, make sure your ceiling and bathroom are water-proof and are away from becoming victims of water puddles. Therefore, allow fresh air to circulate into areas such as these to make them moisture-free in no time to prevent termite entry. 

  • Seal Away All The Cracks

Cracks are a hiding place for termites and one needs to ensure that all the cracks are checked and sealed at regular intervals. One single crack and whole furniture, concrete foundation, etc, will lose its strength. Termite makes wood empty from within, they are the biggest enemy for those houses that are completely made of wood. Maintenance of the same is essential and these are key tips that can help you kill termites naturally. Also, make sure to seal those areas if there are any holes, gaps and crevices in your foundations. 

  • Regular Checks For Leakages 

Leakages have maximum moisture and they can be a nesting place for termites. The leakage is just not an unwanted passage but also damages the wood, it makes it unusable and one has to replace it as no other choice is left. The owner of the house must ensure all leakages are checked and packed without any further delay. However, if there are still leakages happening despite you constantly keeping an eye on them, then get them repaired immediately.

  • Get A Regular Termite Detection By An Expert

Experts can detect the presence of termites in no time. Yes, it is important to hire an expert for ensuring that the house is completely free from termites and there is no future possibility of termite attack. An expert will guide you about the input that you can contribute to ensuring the safety of the house and the part that will be played by them while serving you. Several service providers have experienced staff and ensure that the customers are always given value for the money that they have expensed.  


It is statistically proven that termites cause more severe damage to Australian residential properties than any other pests and natural disasters. However, if you still find that termites are tormenting you despite implementing tips to keep your home termite-free, then call expect. There are specialised and local termite controllers that are highly experienced in skilfully removing termites from your property. In fact, professionals who do termite control first do a thorough inspection using a thermal imaging detector. Only once the results are out from termite pest inspection do experts customise a termite exterminating treatment. So, do not hesitate to contact experts for same-day termite treatment.

Read More:-  5 Ways Pest Control Perth Can Help You Save Money, Time And Stress

