How To Get Rid Of Common Garden Pests

No one likes mosquitoes buzzing over the head, do you? With the weather starting to warm up, it seems mosquitoes are also planning their entry back home. But now, you can make a difference by keeping mosquitoes away. For this, you should keep on looking for professional pest control at the earliest time possible. However, there are also natural ways for you to adopt them if you want to deter them from entering your property. So, keep reading the below blog to know more about how to keep mosquitoes at bay and how to prevent their entry into your property. 

Follow These To Naturally Keep Mosquitoes Away From A Property

Pest control professionals suggest some ways which make your home less attractive to mosquitoes, making them stay away from your property. See how you can turn this into reality. 

  • Plant Saplings 

One of the best ways to naturally make mosquitoes stay away from your property is to plant saplings. However, this doesn’t mean you randomly choose some saplings to plant because this doesn’t work. So, you need to choose plants that naturally repel mosquitoes from entering your place. Some such saplings are rosemary, marigold, peppermint, geraniol, lemongrass, clove, eucalyptus, citronella, etc. All you have to do is to plant them indoors and outdoors on your property.

  • Stagnant Water

The most favourable breeding ground for mosquitoes is standing water. Therefore, start treating all the sources of stagnant water. Empty the containers, pots, birdbaths, ponds, and pools and replace them with fresh water. In addition, clean the debris that gathered over time in the gutter, which restricts water flow. Search for any other source which holds water and clean them.

  • Declutter Unnecessary Belongings 

Whether you are walking in a backyard or enjoying outdoor activities, there is nothing worse than a mosquito bite. In fact, one of the reasons why mosquitoes enter your property is clutter at your place. Once mosquitoes enter your place, they suck blood and leave itchy skin. Apart from this, they also spread deadly diseases like Chikungunya, Zika virus, Dengue are the diseases spread by mosquitoes. Additionally, they transmit yellow fever, encephalitis, filariasis, and more. So, make sure you are clearing away the clutter on a regular basis.

  • Trim The Lawn

Cut the grass, avoid access to mulch collection, and trim the branches to minimise the hiding spot of mosquitoes. In fact, branches, bushes and flowering plants are the major attractants of your property. So, once your property is blooming with all these, there is no way your property wouldn’t be under threat of mosquito invasion. However, a simple trick to keep mosquitoes away from your place is to trim your lawn regularly.

  • Repair And Installation

Repair the plumbing areas if they have leaks. Seal the gaps in the hole and patch the cracks in doors and windows. Install a net in the window to minimise the entry point of mosquitoes. Also, close the doors and windows, especially during the evening time.

  • Mosquito Repellents

Use fans as mosquito repellent while sitting around the gallery. Canberra pest control also suggests using some natural ways to repel mosquitoes when there is a low infestation. However, when mosquito numbers are high, then these repellents may not work. In such a case, you can also take the help of chemical sprays.


There is no better option than choosing a professional pest control service to keep mosquitoes away from your place. Upon choosing professional services, experts come to your place to do a detailed pest inspection and provide the treatment plan accordingly. While keeping the safety of clients’ health in mind, experts offer organic pest control services at affordable prices despite using the best products. Because experts believe that doing this, helps in making your home a pest-free place so that you get to spend more time at home. So, if you are fed up with a desperate search for DIY for mosquitoes, choose professional pest control instead. 

Read More:- Why Go For Pest Control That Is Safe For Baby?

