Methods for keeping your curtains looking new

Curtains are one of the most visible pieces of furniture in a home. They can add both beauty and privacy, and you want them to look their best for as long as possible. Unfortunately, curtains can be easily damaged by the elements. Wind, rain, and even snow can cause them to tear or fray. 

Wash the curtains in cold water

There are many ways to keep your curtains looking new, and the most important thing is to regularly clean them. If you can, try to wash them in cold water, as this will help to preserve their colour and keep them from shrinking. You can also use a fabric softener on occasion if your curtains are particularly dirty or oily.

Dry cleaning curtains is the best option

If you find yourself frequently having to dry clean your curtains, there are several methods you can use to keep them looking new. The first and most obvious way is to simply not leave them wet for too long periods of time. This will help prevent the build-up of dust, which can cause your curtains to start to look dingy. Another method is to use a special type of spray cleaner that is specifically designed for curtain fabric. This will remove any dirt or build up without damaging the fabric. If all else fails, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to suck up any dirt or debris that has built up in between the layers of the curtain.

Hire a professional curtain cleaning company

If you’re like most people, your curtains are probably your most trusted piece of furniture. Not only do they add visual interest to your room, but they can also play an important role in regulating temperature. But despite their importance, curtains can start to look old and tired over time. That’s where a professional curtain cleaning company comes in handy.

When hiring a professional curtain cleaning Perth cleaning company, be sure to ask for a price quote that includes the cost of both removing the curtains and laundering them. This will help ensure that you’re getting the best possible value for your money.

Some tips for keeping your curtains looking new include:

-Regularly airing them out: Curtains need air to stay clean and fresh, so try opening them during warm weather months or when the room is just about empty.

-Keeping them in good condition: Don’t allow dust accumulation or water damage to occur. Cleaning supplies such as a vacuum cleaner and duster can help get rid of pesky dust mites and other allergens.

-Avoid using harsh chemicals: Many household products contain harsh chemicals that can damage fabrics over time. Opt for natural solutions instead, such as vinegar or water mixed with lemon juice or bleach.



Mark’s Curtain Cleaning is a licensed and certified company with an amazing reputation, you can expect the best service from us. We provide various services such as curtain cleaning Perth, Blinds Cleaning Melbourne, etc. our team of experts are ready to ensure that your curtains, drapes and blinds are clean and fresh.