When Do You Need Your Tiled Floor Professionally Cleaned?

Tiled floors have a chance to get dirty very frequently. Tile cleaning takes on an urgency level. As germs and bacteria are the first concern of everybody. But does regular cleaning and vacuuming do the job? Not really. As it just removed the surface dust and dirt. But mainly, grout cleaning also comes into the picture. Firstly, as any spills and stains soak inside the grouts. Secondly, grout is not easy to clean on your own.

The tiled floors in the kitchen and bathrooms are the main targets. As they are the busiest areas of the entire place. Hence, getting professional tile and grout cleaning can make the job easier. Professional cleaning involves sterilization and a deep cleaning process. Hence, confused about when do you need your floors to be professionally cleaned? Look for the signs below-

Signs to know When Do You Need Your Tiled Floor Professionally Cleaned?

Stained grouts

  • The first sign would be stained and discoloured tiles and grouts. It is unpleasant and hygienic. As tiles face a lot of foot traffic, there is a heavy chance of them getting dirty. Also, another reason is regular flood spills and other stains. When the tiles face more moisture exposure. The colour of the tiles start getting yellow and it looks dirty. Moreover, this is also a sign of bacteria growth. This happens especially in the grout. With time, grout accumulates mildew, mould and bacteria.
  • Therefore, if you notice any discolouration or stains on your tile and grout. It’s time to call a professional cleaner at your place. Don’t let tiles become a breeding ground for all bacteria and toxic substances.
  • Importantly, if you notice dark green or black stains. This is a sign of immediate treatment.

Grout still looks dirty even after regular and standard cleanings

  • Homeowners invest time in cleaning the tiles and floors. The detergents that you use can clean mild grease. And it’s hard to reach the grout. 
  • Therefore, these conventional methods can’t clean tough stains. Calling a professional will be the right decision. As they are aware of the right cleaning products and tools. Which can handle the dirtiest grouts and stains.
  • And look for the condition of the tiles and floors as well. When moisture starts getting under the grout – it causes the tiles to crack. 

Severe water damage in the floor tiles

  • The tiles in kitchens, gardens and bathrooms are exposed to water for a long period of time. 
  • Firstly, stagnant water causes the grout to develop bacteria. This happens due to the high moisture availability. 
  • These types of yellow discolouration and mould growth are troubling. It can’t be removed using regular cleaning tools and products. 
  • Therefore, get regular professional help for such situations. 

Unsealed grouts

  • Sometimes, owners perform grout installation on their own. And they do not put a sealant on it. Hence, unsealed grout is more vulnerable to mould and mildew. 
  • Firstly, it leads to cracking of the grouts. Which can cause huge problems with time. 
  • And if you wish to get it sealed. Contact a local professional to do so. They will first clean the tiles and grout properly. And then will proceed with sealing the grout. 
  • Therefore, a properly sealed grout prevents damage to a great extent. And also helps in maintaining the tiles for a longer period of time.

Grout under furniture and cabinets

  • Have you noticed the tile and grout under the furniture? With time the colour of the grouts change. Usually, it happens with grout under cabinets, baseboards, rugs and such covered areas.
  • Hence, if they appear to be brighter than the rest of the exposed tiles. This means your tiles are deteriorating. And it’s time to get one professional cleaning done. 
  • Under the furniture, tiles and grout do not experience foot traffic. And hence, they remain clean like before.

The dullness in the tiles has increased

Dullness happens due to the build-up of dirt and grease. Even with regular cleaning, the dullness persists. You may start noticing stains on your tiles as well. Even though you are putting effort into scrubbing the floors, there is no progress.


Therefore, these are signs of – when do you need tiled your floors professionally cleaned? And this must not be overlooked. As if you keep the tiles dirty for a longer period of time. It can be hazardous to health. The growth of mould can start triggering health issues. For example, breathing problems, skin lesions, allergies and others. Firstly, professional cleaning will bring back the newness to your floors. Secondly, professionals use products that are toxins and chemical-free. Hence, if you are noticing such signs at your place. It’s time to call a local professional quickly.

Read More: Tips For Cleaning Common Stains On Tile Using Baking Soda.

